Found some early subs and in HD!

Bookmark us for the rest of the new hentai coming now!



March 3, 2025

Hentai: Nonohara Yuka No Himitsu No Haishin


18.66K 33


  • Anonymous 20 hours ago

    Anyone who can FAP with this are the ones who looks like that man fat and ugly as shit literally watching something like this literally ruins my mood it’s bullshit no matter how to ignore the design of the male is Soo disgusting shittt.

    • Anonymous 18 hours ago

      not that serious lil bro, stop projecting and just ignore shi you dont like retard

    • Got ntr in narnia 16 hours ago

      I’m above average and not fat and I like ugly/ntr lmao i bet u are ugly and racist one

    • Mentally ill 7 hours ago

      If you can’t distinguish fiction from reality just say that Lil bro.

    • Anonymous 4 hours ago

      Go watch Gay vanilla hentai. Don’t complain here MORON. Vixen & Tushy are there for you. Ugly Bastard+NTR are hardcore gonzo hentai like Jonni Darkko EvilAngel.

    • Anonymous 3 hours ago

      Lil bro want to be the main character.

  • Anonymous 20 hours ago

    Thank you admin for the drop other releases when?

  • D Rage 21 hours ago


  • This is perfect

  • Anonymous 23 hours ago

    Finally some good foog

  • Yooooo 1 day ago

    Hey admin, how are you? When is the subbed of this hentai going to be released? Hentai releases have been dried these days, barely any new ones and just reuploads from older ones. Please upload new ones as soon as possible. Please and thank you. Appreciated

  • Anonymous 1 day ago

    Crazy how people fighting over hentai Like it’s fkn hentai just jerk yo shit.

  • Anonymous 1 day ago

    Not yet released?

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    Here’s hoping they animate through part 6 where she is pregnant

    • Anonymous 1 month ago

      Whats the source material?

      • Anonymous 18 hours ago

        Copy paste title into google, add manga, you’ll find it.

    • Shsh 1 day ago

      How tf would they animate it in 2 episodes there’s 6 chapters so there will most likely be 6 episodes for 6 chapters use ur brain

      • Anonymous 18 hours ago

        That’s clearly what he meant tho? How about you use your own brain retard

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    To all the impatiant master baiters out there, just know that even tho this says feb 28 it wont be uploaded until mid march or possibly april. Yall have been warn, now stfup and go fap to something else!

  • Anonymouse 2 months ago

    Finally some good shit animation. I’m so fucking tired of seeing these queen bee quality animation lol

  • Am starving 2 months ago

    Day 1025 of waiting for a good animated Vanilla with ahegao and no ugly bastard.

    Words for the public: it’s tuff out here man. These Japanese cuck motherfuckers keep giving us ugly bastards with small dicks, NTR’s, and shit. Meanwhile were fed scraps from Queen Bee. Atp, I might as well make a studio of my own and learn how to draw and animate. All isn’t too bad tho, on my 10,000 watch of Chichi-Iro Toki. Shit is keeping us alive but for how long man, we ain’t celebrated since Baku Ane Otouto Shibocchau Zo Directors Cut. Been years since it was released. Jake over here is considering moving to Korean Pornhwa. He saying maybe he will find Vanilla salvation there. I don’t blame him. Tom and the others, they joined the dark side. Last we saw of them they started breathing through their mouths uttering ‘it’s only hentai, it’s fantasy’. They’ve been taken over. I’ll keep you guys updated on any further developments. Sayonara.

    • Trump 2024, bitch. 2 months ago

      Lmao what a phag. Grow a pair and watch something besides vanilla. Cause you’ll continue getting jack shit cause no one likes it. Only loser beta pussies see an ugly bastard and can’t get off cause they’re so insecure about how ugly they themselves are. Or see ntr and just imagine themselves getting cucked. They can’t just watch hentai for the girls and them getting fucked. They need a proper good looking man’s dick too stare at and enjoy. Gow up bitch. Also, how can someone be so unfunny? You gotta be a liberal retrd, it’s the only explanation.

      • Am STARVING 2 months ago

        Day 1026 of waiting for a good animated Vanilla with Ahegao and No Ugly Bastard

        Woke up to a cuck disguised as a conservative republican trying to give me a sermon of why you should enjoy being a cuck. I hate these mouth breathing neanderthals man, they take pride in being weak and pathetic. What’s even worse is he is trying to push Ugly Bastard agenda on me and frame me for being gay for stating the truth. I mean Jesus also got disrespected for telling the truth too, so am not surprised. And the truth is you fat fucks need to stop living life through these fat ugly bastards and start living life through a body builder, maybe then will you start see some bitches on your dick instead of your right hand. We Vanilla connoisseurs use hentai as a pass time and to see some wholesome shit, you NTR/UB mfs are addicted. We’re not the same.

        Anyways, in other news. Ajin ga Osuki nan desu ne is getting animated. The bad news? Fucking Queen Bee man. These guys need to fuck off and animate some other shit, or at least hire better animators man. Wtf have we done to deserve this shit.

        We continue to straggle through the desert of shit. May we find recluse in our Vanilla showings brethren.

        • Anonymous 2 months ago

          Right, you’re just the loser who counts the days until he finds a porn he likes, that is, when he’s not watching another hentai for the 10 thousandth time. Tell me how you’re not addicted, phag?

          • Am STARVING² 2 months ago

            Day 1027 of waiting for a good animated Vanilla with ahegao and no Ugly Bastard.

            I guess the cuck has dropped the conservative republic gimmick and reverted to anon’s. It was good while it lasted. Nonetheless, he has returned. I didn’t expect a whole bunch from an NTR/UB enjoyer in terms of intellect in my previous rage bait research encounters, but this one is a new level of intellectually challenged as he took my ‘10,000th watch’ literally. It’s a figure of speech you cuckold and it obviously worked because the cuck reacted to it. In other news, the fountain remains dry I am afraid. The Japanese mfs need a relationship or something, like I swear it’s ugly for mfs to be fat in Japan, I guess they use this medium to project their fantasies on bitches they will achieve, some of which are brutal methods. Can’t respect these UB enjoyers man. Like gain some perception or something?

            Anyways signing out. May we find refuge from this weirdos.

        • you're literally retarded 1 month ago

          i know this retard did not just compare himself to jesus christ in the comment section of a hentai website… Your entire format of saying “day x of waiting for hentai” and then proceeding to type a journal entry just screams that you are indeed chronically online. And you have the audacity to say this other guy is addicted….?? You’re so cooked to the point that you’re using this hentai streaming site as a social platform where you’d need to go back and check your own posts to see if they got replies or not… because there’s certainly not any notifications or account system for you to know or not. Further proving you are indeed terminally online. The other guy’s got a point. YOU are the one assuming that he’d project himself as the ugly bastard. He never said that. YOU did. If YOU can’t watch ugly bastard without thinking you’re that guy then that’s literally your own problem. Anyone who watches ugly bastard and gets insecure about being projected as that guy would have to be an ugly bastard themself that is suffering from cognitive dissonance.

          and by the way, “And the truth is you fat fucks need to stop living life through these fat ugly bastards and start living life through a body builder, ” is an admission of guilt that you are indeed just living life through someone else instead of taking your own initiative in your own life. In other words, you just projected the idea that you are fat or not happy with your own body and need to live your life through someone or something else. We’re out here watching hentai to get a nice fap in and move on while you’re out here trying to live out the life of cartoon sex characters. You really tried to say you watch hentai as a pass time to see some wholesome shit. That’s LITERALLY the equivalent of saying you watch porn for the plot. You CANNOT get any more pathetic than this my guy.

          If you actually somehow see this message after 3 weeks on this site where you get 0 notifications for replies because everyone’s anonymous because the primary function of this site is literally just to watch some got dam hentai, then I literally have no other words for you other than hold this fucking L you cuck

          • I AM STAVINGGGG 14 hours ago

            Day [REDACTED] of waiting for a good animated Vanilla with aheago and no ugly bastard.

            Short and simple today lads. This cunt thinks imma read all of that thesis project which he put sweat and tears, dedicating hours into defending NTR, Ugly Bastards and Rape. Anyways in other news, water is wet unfortunately and cucks are still succeeding in this dark world we call Hentai. Anyways, may we find refuge Vanilla brethren’s. Till next time. ‍↕️

    • Anonymous 2 months ago

      Far better than the copypasta trash shitting up the NTR tag. Looks solid. She’s a 304, the guy is giving her what she wants. A touch of blackmail but seemingly no harm done. Pretty tame and it looks great. Agree on the unfortunate bit of queen bee animating good stuff for vanillabros and ruining it though.

  • Anonymous 2 months ago

    nigga!! Ain’t this the guy who fked them girls in Sainmin Seishidou?

    • Anonymous 2 months ago

      If this is some sort of sequel to Saimin Seishidou I would be legit happy. Top stuff that series was. But no. Just a FUB with the same VA. Our guy Takumi rode off into the sunset with 4 oyakodons and a array of others.

  • Mooms 2 months ago

    It’s Tanaka all over again XD