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[lol]Sleepless A Midsummer Nights Dream The Animation 2 Subbed[/lol]
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lol english credit music, interesting
u guys r gay REKTKRELKT
Ang sarap makipag sex pero bata pa ko
I am Horny
Can someone answer me what hentai Does the girl belongs before you play the video?
She’s not from a hentai. I believe it’s Shana from the anime “Shakugan no Shana”. Either that or just some random anime photo.
Some how i hate the gray haired guy but i get so turnend on by the rape szenes…>~< aaah man i pitty those Girls they got decived so easaly…..what a shame (please do not look at my grammar i know it is bad) :3
I fucked mt girlfriend when I was 13 and she was 14 :3 I used condom, It was Awesome. Her Tits are already big and now Im 16 I experienced it Again.. ( . Y . )
That only makes me think 1.You made her do it 2.your a pervert or 3. A Big Fat Liar =_=
I will go with three
I bet 2 and 3 are correct
This guy man he makes me so mad
Usually these kind of Hentai’s don’t both me, but the guy at the beginning was really beginning to make me mad, and I don’t know why.
Its people that take rape seriously who do it. My gf loves the idea of being overpowered by me. Idiots like these commentors dont know what “sex drive” is, I dont condone rape, never will. But only inexperienced morons would poopoo the whole idea over sentimentalism… if you dont like rape, cover your eyes. Meanwhile, shut up and let the adults have fun with a fantasy.
Fucking prudes…
You don’t condemn rape? Ok so it’s ok I I fuck your girlfriend in front of you while it’s against her will? Sure haha
FYI bitch if you say yes you’re nothing more than a sex maniac.
Learn English. He said condone not condemn
What’s this about condoms?
‘Twas a joke
And please learn that my phone has auto correct
Learn how to learn.
How the hell does it connect?
He said Condone. Learn how to read, dumb-fuck.
The proper grammar for this particular piece of your sentence would actually be “And please know that my phone has auto-correct.” Not learn. And also, the phrase “Learn how to learn.” Doesn’t really male sense. And most people on this website would most likely not know that you had written your comment from your phone.
Man, did you even read this guys comment? He said it was a nice fantasy, FANTASY. Of course he doesn’t approve of actual rape. It’s all just a fantasy that is more exciting than the normal way of doing things.
What’s the song at the beginning?
si quieres yo sere tu amo!
Que rico porno quisiera quee alguien fuera mi novio y yo seria su esclava sexual
I love that gray haired guy he is a badass
I feel this same
… eh.. ?
i know maybe it’s wrong…but i like this hentais. and i’m a girl. it excites me…but only if it’s played. i’ve done it a lot of times with my ex bf.
I understand you..
Fact is you don’t have one and you’re a boy so keep dreaming pal
Preach it